News from the 2020 Artists in Residence
The four artists who stayed with us in Oct. 2020 have received significant recognition for their work since their stay in our modern houses.

First Young Architect's Award Ceremony
First ever award given to two Nauset High School students

Form and Landscape, Bauhaus in New England
A conversation with photographer Mark Römisch and Peter McMahon, founding director of Cape Cod Modern House Trust. Click to see a link to the conversation.

Weidlinger Video
This 18 minute film by photographer Aaron Binaco examines aspects of this radical house and its bucolic site.

December Update
Save the Dates! News and Events December ended the Bauhaus centenary year, which has seen a great renewal of interest and countless...

2019 News Events, Tours. Save the Dates!
Open House at the Kohlberg House. Saturday, July 20, 5.30 - 9.30pm PLUS MUCH MORE.

News, updates and coming attractions:
Steven Holl visits, UN report written in Kugel Gips house, Kohlberg lease imminent, Upcoming Events…..Kohlberg House work expected to begin in Oct.

2018 Lectures and Events...Save the Dates!
June 10 and 24, July 8 and 15, August 5 and 26, Sept.16 and 30 Summer Sunday House Tours

Iconic Houses Conference, Lectures And Tours
CCMHT Founder Peter McMahon will be speaking on the Trust’s restoration of abandoned houses owned by the Park Service on May 15th at Dolce Norwalk, Norwalk CT.

I was in Marfa Texas last week to do a talk and book signing in the Crowley Theatre at the invitation of the Marfa Book Company, and poets Josh Edwards and Lynn Xu, who built a small house there, and are current CCMHT artists in residence.

Please don't forget us in your year-end giving!
Please don’t forget us in your end of year giving and thanks for helping the Trust continue to thrive.

Upcoming Cape Cod Modern Events In Vermont
Cape Cod Modern Houses Exhibit in Corinth Vermont Oct. 7th - 15th

Open House at the Weidlinger House Saturday, Oct. 7th 11- 4pm
Free and open to the public. The Cape Cod Modern House Trust invites you to visit the restored Weidlinger House, built in 1953 by ground breaking structural engineer, Paul Weidlinger.

NEW LOCATION Open House at the Hatch House Tuesday, May 30th 11- 4pm
Open House at the Hatch House. Tuesday May 30, 11am to 4pm. Free and open to the public

New Date! Open House This Sunday at Kugel/Gips, 11AM to 5PM April 23
New Date. Open House at Kugel/Gips House. This Sunday, April 23, 11AM - 5PM. Free and open to the public. 188 Way 626, Wellfleet.